If we compare the life of Muhammad
(pease be upon him) before his mission as a Prophet and his life after he began
his mission as a Prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think
that Muhammad (pbuh) was a false Prophet, who claimed Prophethood to attain
material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
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The Worships
prophet muhammad
- on 9:01 AM
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1- Muhammad (peace be
upon him) in his prayers.
- From Muhammad's
الرسول المبارك -صلى الله عليه و سلم- بِوَصفٍ شامل
prophet muhammad
- on 3:08 PM
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يُروى أن الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - وأبا بكر رضي الله عنه ومولاه ودليلهما، خرجوا من مكة ومَرّوا على خيمة امرأة عجوز تُسمَّى (أم مَعْبد)، كانت تجلس قرب الخيمة تسقي وتُطعِم، فسألوها لحماً وتمراً ليشتروا منها، فلم يجدوا عندها شيئاً. نظر رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - إلى شاة في جانب الخيمة، وكان قد نَفِدَ زادهم وجاعوا.
صفات الرسول - عليه الصلاة والسلام - كأنك تراه
prophet muhammad
- on 3:07 PM
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ربما يرد سؤال-هنا- بأن يُقال: قد علمنا الفائدة من معرفة صفات النبي الخُلقية ، وهي الاقتداء به والاهتداء بهديه في تلك الأخلاق التي يحتاج إليها البشرية ، ولكن ما الفائدة من ذكر صفات النبي الخَلقية ؟، وماذا يستفيد الناس من كون النبي كان طويلاً أو أبيض ، أو لم يكن في شعره بياض؟! ، ولماذا تُسوَّد الصفحات في هذا الشأن ، ولن يقتدي الناسُ به –بأبي وأمي – في كونه طويلاً أو شعره أسود ليس فيه بياض ، أو غير ذلك من هذه الأوصاف التي ترد في صفاته الخَلقية؟
Kush është Muhamedi? - (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!)
prophet muhammad
- on 4:58 AM
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“Në të Dërguarin e Allahut ka një shembull të mrekullueshëm për atë, që shpreson tek Allahu dhe Dita e Fundit dhe e përmend shumë Allahun.” (Kurani 33:21)
Muslimanët besojnë se Muhamedi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) është Pejgamberi i fundit në një zinxhir të gjatë të Pejgamberëve, të dërguar që
t`i thërrasin njerëzit për bindje dhe adhurim ndaj Zotit të vetëm (në arabisht: Allah). Disa prej këtyre Pejgamberëve janë: Ademi, Nuhu, Ibrahimi, Ismaili, Isaku,
Jakubi, Jusufi, Musai, Davudi, Sulejmani, Isai etj. (Paqja qoftë mbi ta!).
Njëjtë si Musai (Paqja qoftë mbi të!), që u dërgua me Teuratin (shpallja origjinale e pakorruptuar që iu dërgua Musait) dhe Isai (Jezusi) (Paqja qoftë mbi të!) me
Inxhilin (shpallja origjinale e pakorruptuar – jo versionet e ditëve të sotme), muslimanët besojnë se Muhamedi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) u
dërgua me Kuranin, për të shpjeguar se si duhet të zbatohen mësimet e tij.
Gruas së Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), Aishes (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur prej saj!), iu kërkua një herë që të përshkruajë Pejgamberin
(Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), dhe ajo u përgjigj se ai ishte ‘Kuran që ecte’, që nënkupton se ai zbatoi në përpikmëri mësimet fisnike të Kuranit
në jetën e tij të përditshme. Ne do të tregojmë se si ai i kishte jetësuar këto mësime fisnike në veprime fisnike.
Mision i mëshirës
“Dhe Ne (Zoti) nuk të kemi dërguar ty (o Muhamed), veçse si mëshirë për botët.” (Kurani 21:107)
Përveç që i thërriste njerëzit për t'u falur (namazin), për të agjëruar e për të dhënë lëmoshë, Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) mësonte
se besimi i njeriut në Zot duhet të ndikojë në mënyrën e trajtimit të të tjerëve. Ai tha: "Më i miri prej jush është ai që ka karakter (moral, etikë) më të mirë."
Shumë thënie të Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) theksojnë marrëdhëniet në mes të besimit dhe veprimit, për shembull: ”Kush beson
Allahun dhe Ditën e Fundit, le të thotë fjalë të mira ose të heshtë. Kush beson Allahun dhe Ditën e Fundit, le ta nderojë fqinjin. Kush beson Allahun dhe Ditën e
Fundit, le ta nderojë mysafirin.”
I Dërguari i fundit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), njerëzit i mësoi që të tregojnë mëshirë dhe të respektojnë njëri-tjetrin: “Ai që nuk mëshiron,
nuk mëshirohet.” Në një transmetim tjetër, disa njerëz kërkuan nga Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), që të luste Zotin për t’i ndëshkuar
jobesimtarët, por ai u përgjigj: “Unë nuk jam dërguar mallkues, por unë jam dërguar si mëshirë.”
Falja e gabimeve
“…le t’i falin ata dhe të mos ua marrin për keq! Vallë, a nuk doni ju që t’ju falë Allahu? Allahu është Falës e Mëshirëplotë.” (Kurani 24:22)
Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) i falte gabimet më së shumti prej të gjithë njerëzve dhe ishte më shpirtgjeri. Nëse dikush e keqtrajtonte,
ai e falte; sa më i ashpër bëhej dikush, Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) bëhej aq më i durueshëm. Ai ishte shumë i butë dhe falës,
sidomos kur kishte pushtet dhe fuqi për t'u hakmarrë. Muhamedi, paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të, ishte pro faljes dhe asnjë sasi e krimit ose
agresionit kundër tij nuk ishte shumë e madhe për t’u falur nga ai. Ai ishte shembulli më i mirë i faljes dhe shpirtgjerësisë, siç përmendet në ajetin vijues të
Kuranit: “Trego mëshirë, urdhëro vepra të mira dhe shmangu nga të paditurit!” (Kurani 7:199)
“Më i nderuari prej jush tek Allahu është ai që i frikësohet më shumë Atij.” (Kurani 49:13)
Në thëniet e mëposhtme të Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), ai mësoi se të gjithë njerëzit janë të barabartë përpara Zotit: "I gjithë
njerëzimi është nga Ademi, dhe Ademi është nga balta. Nuk ka asnjë epërsi arabi mbi jo-arabin, as i ziu mbi të bardhin; përveçse në devotshmëri." "Allahu nuk
shikon në fizionomitë tuaja e as në pasuritë tuaja, por Ai shikon në zemrat dhe veprat tuaja."
Është transmetuar se një herë, një shok i Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), e thirri një shok tjetër në mënyrë fyese, “O biri i nënës së
zezë!" Pejgamberi(Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) u zemërua dhe tha: "A po e zhvlerëson atë për shkak të nënës së tij të zezë? Ju ende keni
gjurmë të injorancës nga periudha para-islamike.”
“Nuk barazohet e mira me të keqen! Të keqen ktheje me të mirë e atëherë armiku yt do të të bëhet menjëherë mik i ngushtë.” (Kurani 41:34)
"Nuk duhet t’i bëni keq atyre që ju bëjnë keq juve, por duhet t’ia ktheni atyre me falje dhe mirësi."
Në këtë mënyrë reagonte i Dërguari i fundit i Zotit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) ndaj sulmeve dhe abuzimeve që i drejtoheshin.
Burimet islame përfshijnë një numër rastesh kur Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) kishte mundësinë të hakmerrej ndaj atyre që e
dëmtonin atë, por e përmbante veten. Ai i mësoi burrat që të durojnë në raste fatkeqësie: "I fortë nuk është ai që i mund njerëzit me forcën e tij, por i fortë është
ai që kontrollon veten e tij gjatë zemërimit." Të durosh dhe të jesh tolerant, nuk do të thotë që muslimani të qëndrojë pasiv dhe të mos e mbrojë veten e tij kur
sulmohet. Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) ka thënë: "Mos u lutni që të përballeni me armikun, por kur të përballeni me të, jini të
durueshëm (dmth. të qëndroni të vendosur kur përballeni me armikun)."
“Në sajë të mëshirës së Allahut, u solle butësisht me ta (o Muhamed). Sikur të ishe i ashpër dhe i vrazhdë, ata do të largoheshin prej teje.” (Kurani 3:159)
Enes ibn Malik (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur prej tij!), i cili kishte shërbyer Muhamedit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) për dhjetë vjet, ka thënë se
Muhamedi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) gjithmonë sillej butë me të: "Kur bëja diçka, ai kurrë nuk më pyeste për mënyrën se si e kisha bëra atë
dhe kur nuk bëja diçka, ai kurrë nuk më pyeste për dështimin tim në të. Ai ishte më i miri i të gjithë njerëzve."
Në një rast, gruaja e Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) reagoi me zemërim, pasi një person e ofendoi Pejgamberin (Paqja dhe lëvdatat
e Allahut qofshin mbi të!). Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) e këshilloi atë: "Bëhu e butë dhe e qetë o Aishe, sepse Allahu e pëlqen
butësinë në të gjitha çështjet."
Ai gjithashtu i tha: "Trego butësi! Sepse, në qoftë se butësia gjendet në diçka, ajo veçse e zbukuron atë, dhe kur mungon në diçka, ajo veçse e bën të mangët."
“Robërit e të Gjithëmëshirshmit janë ata që ecin thjesht nëpër Tokë dhe, kur të paditurit i sulmojnë me fjalë, ata përgjigjen: ‘Paqe qoftë!’” (Kuran 25:63)
Pejgamberi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) i ndalonte njerëzit nga qëndrimi në këmbë për të për respekt. Nëpër vendtakime, ai ulej në vendin që
ishte i lirë dhe kurrë nuk kërkonte një vend të shquar apo të ngritur. Ai kurrë nuk vishte ndonjë gjë që të dallohej nga shokët e tij ose të dukej në gradë më të lartë
se ta. Ai rrinte me të varfërit dhe nevojtarët; ai ulej me të moshuarit dhe i ndihmonte gratë e veja. Njerëzit që nuk e njihnin, nuk mund ta dallonin në mesin e
njerëzve të tjerë. Duke iu drejtuar shokëve të tij, ai ka thënë: "Allahu më ka shpallur mua, që duhet të jeni të përulur. Askush nuk duhet të mburret ndaj tjetrit dhe
askush nuk duhet ta shtypë tjetër."
E tillë ishte përulësia e tij, saqë ai frikësohej se mos adhurohej, një privilegj që i takon vetëm Zotit. Ai ka thënë: "Mos i kaloni kufinjtë e të më lavdëroni mua
sikurse bëjnë të krishterët në lavdërimin e Isait (Jezusit), birit të Merjemes (Marisë). Unë jam vetëm rob i Allahut; prandaj thuani: rob i Allahut dhe i Dërguari i Tij.”
Bashkësort ideal
“Jetoni e silluni mirë me to (gratë tuaja)!” (Kurani 4:19)
Gruaja e dashur e Pejgamberit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), Aishja, ka thënë për burrin e saj fisnik: “Ai gjithmonë ndihmonte në punët e shtëpisë
dhe ndonjëherë arnonte rrobat e tij, i riparonte këpucët e tij dhe e pastronte dyshemenë. Ai i milte, ruante dhe ushqente kafshët e tij dhe bënte punët e shtëpisë."
Jo vetëm që ishte bashkëshort i përkushtuar, por ai gjithashtu i inkurajonte shokët e tij të ndiqnin shembullin e tij: "Më të mirët e besimtarëve janë më të moralshmit.
E, më të mirët prej tyre janë ata që janë më të mirët me gratë e veta.”
Shembull ideal
"Në të vërtetë ti (O Muhamed) je në një shkallë të lartë morali." (Kurani 68:4)
Ajo çfarë parapiru më sipër, është vetëm një paraqitje e shkurtër se si Muhamedi (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!) jetoi jetën e tij. Shembujt e
përmendur të mirësisë dhe mëshirës, mund të jenë të papritur për disa njerëz të caktuar, të cilëve portretizimi i Islamit dhe shtrembërimi i vazhdueshëm i tij iu
është dhënë në media. Është e rëndësishme që, kur dikush dëshiron ta kuptojë Islamin, të shkojë direkt në burimet e tij: Kurani dhe thëniet e veprimet e
Muhamedit (Paqja dhe lëvdatat e Allahut qofshin mbi të!), që të mos e gjykojë Islamin bazuar në veprimet e hallakatura të disa muslimanëve.
Komente nga jomuslimanë
Mahatma Ghandi, lider i madh politik dhe shpirtëror i lëvizjes indiane për pavarësi, është shprehur: "Ishte modestia e plotë, thjeshtësia e Pejgamberit, të qenurit
rigoroz ndaj obligimeve, respekti i tij i thellë ndaj prindërve dhe miqve, guximi dhe trimëria, besimi i tij i patundur tek Zoti dhe bindja e paluhatshme ne pejgamberinë
e tij. Pikërisht këto, dhe jo shpata, përvetësuan njerëzit dhe iu dhanë atyre fuqi për të kapërcyer çdo vështirësi." George Bernard Shaw, dramaturg britanik, ka
deklaruar: "Bota është në nevojë urgjente për një njeri me të menduarit e Muhamedit; teologët e Mesjetës, për shkak të injorancës së tyre dhe animit fetar, e kanë
paraqitur në mënyrë krejtësisht negative dhe kanë konsideruar se ai ka ushqyer urrejtje ndaj Jezusit (Isait, paqja qoftë mbi të). Por, pasi kam shikuar në historinë e
tij, mendoj se ai është njeri i mahnitshëm dhe i mrekullueshëm dhe, sipas mendimit tim, ai është larg të qenit antikrisht, por duhet të quhet shpëtimtar i njerëzimit.
Një njeri i ngjashëm me të, po të merrej me problemet e kohës moderne, do t’i kishte zgjidhur me sukses ato dhe do t’i kishte sjellë njerëzimit paqen dhe lumturimë
e nevojshme.”
Përktheu: Driton Ajdin Xhezairi
who is muhammad (pbuh) {Introduction}
prophet muhammad
- on 3:54 AM
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In the name of Allah, the most-merciful, the most-gracious and peace be upon Allah's Messenger
Why this book:
Muhammed (pbuh) came more than 1400 years ago and said that he is receiving divine revelation from the almighty Allah and that he is assigned to spread this message throughout all earth, unrestricted by time, place, race or color claiming that his message is the last between heaven and earth and that he is the last of Allah's messengers and Prophets.
Who is he? is he that terrorist that newspapers are circulating pictures of? or is he the organized military man who was victorious in almost every battle he joined against his enemies?
Some books that dealt with Mohammad (pbuh) had talked about the person who, through the course of 25 years only which is the period of his da'wa (the call), was able to change the face of the earth and his call spread everywhere, such books dealt with his political and military genius. Other books dealt with the military or jihad side of his life in defense of his call. Most of the books have overlooked a very important aspect of his life (pbuh), which is his being a human, a father, a brother and a husband.
Muslims believe that what took place in Muhammed’s (pbuh) life regarding the aspects of social relations is not something that he invented, but that is part of the divine revelation. this is the reason why we have focused on this invisible or suppressed aspect of his life (pbuh). Muhammed (pbuh) when he first started his message (call) he did not fight against his folk, on the contrary he and his companions were patient and they have suffered great adversity from them. During such hard times, Allah's Messenger (pbuh) was raising his companions on such manners that made them become kings and leaders in spite of having no interest in such wealth.
The reason behind showing the life of Muhammed (pbuh) in this way as represented is because of all what is said about him (pbuh) from those who don't really know him.
So let us be objective; if you want to judge someone you have to do the following:
1) Hear from him personally.
2) Review his thought with sound logic.
3) If you approve of his logic, then see if his actions go in line with such logic.
4) If that happened, then all you have to do is to believe him. that is what Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said "obligation is dependant on the mind"……so whoever is mindless has no obligatIion.
These are four logical steps which you are supposed to use to judge Muhammed (pbuh). All you have to do is read the following few papers with an objective unbiased mind and finally you would be able to answer these confusing questions
· Is Muhammed (pbuh) truly a terrorist?
· Iis he really a Prophet as he used to claim?
· is Islam a true religion?
This book is divided into two chapters
Chapter one: fundamental definitions:
In order to read and understand everything about Muhammed (pbuh), we had to find common grounds to start from, so we have dedicated this chapter to show fundamental definitions & meanings related to our subject like: the religion, the Messenger, Allah, and Islam. To start with such definitions is very important to understand the essence of this book.
Chapter two: Excerpts from Allah's Messenger (pbuh) sayings & actions:
In which we have cited many sections dealing with Mohammed (pbuh) in various positions in a very simplified manner. Each section is divided in two parts; the first part is entitled from the sayings of Muhammed (pbuh) and the other is entitled from his actions. This we've done in order to make you compare his words with his deeds, and we might be adding some simple comments to focus on the essence of some of his sayings( Hadith) or for more explaining of meanings.
Judge by Yourself
prophet muhammad
- on 2:32 AM
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By Yusuf estes, former christian preacher
Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib born 570 c.e. (christian era); died 633 c.e.
The following is based on books, manuscripts, texts and actual eyewitness accounts, too numerous to mention herein, preserved in original form throughout the centuries by both Muslims and Non-Muslims.
Many people today are discussing Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention. who was he exactly? what did he teach? why was he loved so much by some and hated so much by others? did he live up to his claims? was he a holy man? was he a Prophet of God? what is the truth about this man? you be the judge.
Here are the facts as narrated by thousands of people, many of whom knew him personally.
- He was born to a noble tribe to the lineage of the leaders of Makkah.
- His name comes from the Arabic root "Hamd " and literally means "praised one." People at his time and until this very moment, praise him many times per day, may Allah exalt his mention.
- He never fell into the common practice of his tribesmen to worship statues, idols or man-made "Gods."
- He believed that God was truly one God, and as such, he was to be worshipped alone, without any other "Gods" beside him.
- He held the name of God in the highest of reverence and never took God's name in vain or for any vain glorious purpose.
- He despised false worship and all of the complexities and degradation to which it leads.
-He adhered to the commandments of almighty God, just as Prophets of old had done in the past.
-He never committed adultery, and he forbade others from doing it.
- He forbade usury and interest on money lending, as jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, had done centuries before him.
- He never gambled and did not allow it.
-He never drank alcohol or strong drink; even though it was a very normal thing for people of his time and place.
-He did not engage in gossip and used to turn away from hearing anything related to it.
- He fasted for days at a time to be closer to almighty God and away from the narrowness of worldly attractions.
-He taught that jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, was the immaculate conception and miracle birth of Mary, and that she was among the best creation of almighty God.
- He insisted even to the jews of Medina, that jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, was the Messiah, the Christ, the one predicted to come in their Torah (old testament).
- He said jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, did many miracles by the permission of almighty God, curing the lepers, restoring sight to the blind and even bringing a dead man back to life.
-He stated clearly that jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, was not dead, rather almighty God had raised him up.
- He foretold that jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, is going to return again in the last days to lead the true believers in a victory over the evil and unrighteous people, and he will destroy the anti-christ.
- He commanded the payment of charity to the poor and he was the defender and protector of widows, orphans and the wayfarers.
- He ordered people to unite with their families and honor the ties of kinship and he restored relationships between family members.
-He required his followers to engage only in lawful marriage relationships with women, and forbade sex outside of almighty God's ordinance.
- He insisted on giving women their proper rights, dowries, inheritance and property.
-His patience and humble attitude were exemplary and all who knew him had to admit to these virtues.
a. He never lied, never broke a trust never bore false witness, and he was famous with all the tribes in Makkah and was known as: "The truthful" (Al-Ameen).
b. He never once engaged in sex outside of marriage, nor did he ever approve of it, even though it was very common at the time.
c. His only relationships with women were in legitimate, contractual marriages with proper witnesses according to law.
d. His relationship to Ayesha was only that of marriage. Their relationship is described in every detail by Ayesha herself in the most loving and respectful manner as a match truly made in heaven. Ayesha is considered as one of the highest scholars of Islam and lived out her entire life only having been married to Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention. she never desired any other man, nor did she ever utter a single negative statement against Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention.
e. He forbade any killing until the orders came from Allah. even then the limits were clearly spelled out and only those engaged in active combat against the Muslims or Islam were to be fought in combat. And even then, only according to very strict rules from Allah.
f.Killing any innocent life was forbidden.
g. There was no genocide of jews. He offered mutual protection and forgiveness to the jews even after they broke their covenants with him many times.They were not attacked until it was clearly proven they were traitors during time of war and tried to bring down the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, and the Muslims at any cost. Retaliation was only to those jews who had turned traitor and not others.
h. Slaves were common in those days for all nations and tribes. It was Islam that encouraged freeing of the slaves and the great reward from Allah for those who did so. Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, gave the example of this by freeing slaves and encouraging all of his followers to do the same. Examples include his own servant (who was actually considered like a son to him) Zaid Ibn Al Haritha and Bilal the slave who was bought by Abu Bakr only for the purpose of freeing him.
i. While there were many attempts of assassination made on Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, (most famous was the night that Ali took his place in bed while he and Abu Bakr escaped to Madinah), he did not allow his companions to slaughter any of those who had been involved in these attempts. Proof for this is when they entered Makkah triumphantly and his first words were to command his followers not to harm such and such tribes and so and so families. This was one of the most famous of his acts of forgiveness and humbleness.
j. Military combat was forbidden for the first thirteen years of Prophethood. The desert Arabs did not need anyone to tell them how to fight or do combat. They were experts in this area and held feuds amongst tribes that lasted for decades. It was not until the proper method of warfare was instituted by Allah in the Quran, with proper rights and limitations according his commandments, that any retaliation or combat was sanctioned. Orders from Allah made it clear who was to be attacked, how and when and to what extent fighting could take place.
k. Destruction of infrastructures is absolutely forbidden except when it is ordained by Allah in certain instances and then only according to his commands.
I. cursing and invoking evil actually came to the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, from his enemies, while he would be praying for their guidance. Classic example is that of his journey to At-Taif where the leaders would not even hear him out nor offer so much as the normal courtesy called for and instead they set the children of the street against him, throwing rocks and stones at him until his body was bleeding so much, blood filled his sandals. He was offered revenge by the angel gabriel, if he would give the command, Allah would cause the surrounding mountains to fall down upon them destroying them all. Instead of cursing them or asking for their destruction, he prayed for them to be guided to worship their lord alone, without any partners.
m. Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, claimed every person who is born in a state of Islam (submission to God), as a Muslim (Mu-Islam means; "one who does Islam" i.e.; submits to God's will and obeys his commandments). then as they grow older they begin to distort their faith according to the influence of the prevailing society and their own prejudices.
n. Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, taught his followers to believe in the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, jacob, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus, peace be upon them all, and to believe in them as true Prophets, Messengers and slaves of almighty Allah. He insisted on ranking all the Prophets up at the highest level without any distinction between them.
o. He also taught the Torah (old testament), Zaboor (psalms) and Injeel (gospel or new testament) were originally from the very same source as the Quran, from Allah.
p. He prophesied and foretold of events to come and they happened as he had said. He even predicted something from the past that would come true in the future, and it has.
Q. the quran states Pharaoh was drowned in the red sea while chasing after moses and Allah said he would preserve pharaoh as a sign for the future. Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his book, "Bible, Quran and science " makes it clear this has happened and the very person of Pharaoh has been discovered in egypt and is now on display for all to see.
r. This event took place thousands of years before Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, and it came true in the last few decades, many centuries after his death.
There has been more written about the Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, than any other person on earth. He has been praised very high even by famous Non-Muslims for centuries. One of the first examples we quote from is from the encyclopedia britannica , as it confirms (regarding Muhammad(Pbuh)” ". . . A mass of detail in the early sources shows that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were likewise honest and upright men." (vol. 12).
Another impressive tribute to Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention is in the very well written work of Michael H. Hart, "the 100: a ranking of the most influential persons in history." He states that the most influential person in all history was Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, with jesus in the third place. examine his actual words: "my choice of Muhammad(Pbuh) to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level." Michael H. Hart , the 100: a ranking of the most influential persons in history, new york: hart publishing company, inc., 1978, page. 33.
While we are reviewing statements from famous Non-Muslims about Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, consider this: "philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Warrior, Conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad(Pbuh). As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he? " lamartine , histoire de la turquie, paris, 1854, vol. ii, pp. 276-277.
George Bernard Shaw, a famous writer and Non-Muslim says: "He must be called the savior of humanity. i believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." (the genuine Islam, singapore, vol. 1, no. 8, 1936) .
k. S. Ramakrishna Rao, an indian (hindu) professor of philosophy, in his booklet "Muhammad(Pbuh) the Prophet of Islam" calls him the "perfect model for human life." professor ramakrishna rao explains his point by saying: "the personality of Muhammad(Pbuh), it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. only a glimpse of it i can catch. what a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes. there is Muhammad(Pbuh) the Prophet. there is Muhammad(Pbuh) the warrior; Muhammad(Pbuh) the businessman; Muhammad(Pbuh) the statesman; Muhammad(Pbuh) the orator; Muhammad(Pbuh) the reformer; Muhammad(Pbuh) the refuge of orphans; Muhammad(Pbuh) the protector of slaves; Muhammad(Pbuh) the emancipator of women; Muhammad(Pbuh) the judge; Muhammad(Pbuh) the saint. all in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero."
Mahatma Gandhi, speaking on the character of Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, says in 'young india' : "i wanted to know the best of one who holds today undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind... i became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. it was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. these and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. when i closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), i was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
Thomas Carlyle in his 'heroes and hero worship' , was simply amazed as to:
"how one man single handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation in less than two decades."
Diwan Chand Sharma wrote in "the Prophets of the east ": "Muhammad(Pbuh) was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him" . (d.c. sharma, the Prophets of the east, calcutta, 1935, pp. 12).
Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, was nothing more or less than a human being, but he was a man with a noble mission, which was to unite humanity on the worship of one and only one God and to teach them the way to honest and upright living based on the commands of God. he always described himself as, a slave and Messenger of God' and so indeed every action of his proclaimed to be.
Speaking on the aspect of equality before God in Islam, the famous poetess of India, Sarojini naidu says: "it was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the Mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: 'God alone is great'... I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man instinctively a brother."
(S. Naidu, ideals of Islam, vide speeches & writings , madras, 1918, p. 169).
In the words of professor hurgronje: "the league of nations founded by the Prophet of Islam put the principle of international unity and human brotherhood on such universal foundations as to show candle to other nations." He continues, "the fact is that no nation of the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done towards the realization of the idea of the league of nations."
Edward Gibbon and simon ockley, on the profession of Islam, writes in "history of the saracen empires" : "I believe in one God, and mahomed, an apostle of God' is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honor of the Prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtues; and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion." (history of the saracen empires , london, 1870, p. 54) .
Wolfgang Goethe, perhaps the greatest european poet ever, wrote about Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention. he said:
"He is a Prophet and not a poet and therefore his koran is to be seen as divine law and not as a book of a human being, made for education or entertainment." (noten und abhandlungen zum weststlichen dvan, wa i, 7, 32).
People do not hesitate to raise to divinity and even make 'Gods' out of other individuals whose lives and missions have been lost in legend. Historically speaking, none of these legends achieved even a fraction of what Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, accomplished. and all his striving was for the sole purpose of uniting mankind for the worship of one God on the codes of moral excellence. Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, or his followers never at any time claimed that he was a son of God or the God-incarnate or a man with divinity – but he always was and is even today considered as only a Messenger chosen by God.
Today after a lapse of fourteen centuries, the life and teachings of Muhammad(Pbuh), may Allah exalt his mention, have survived without the slightest loss, alteration or interpolation. they offer the same undying hope for treating mankind's many ills, which they did when he was alive. This is not a claim of Muhammad(Pbuh)’s, may Allah exalt his mention, followers, but the inescapable conclusion forced upon by a critical and unbiased history.
now it is up to you.
you are a rational thinking, concerned human being. as such, you should already be asking yourself:
"Could these extraordinary, revolutionary and amazing statements, all about this one man, really be true?
What if this is all true?
[1] Mmichael h. hart , the 100: a ranking of the most influential persons in history, new york: hart publishing company, inc., 1978, page. 33.
[2] Lamartine , histoire de la turquie, paris, 1854, vol. ii, pp. 276-277.
[3] George bernard shaw , the genuine Islam, singapore, vol. 1, no. 8, 1936
[4] D.c. sharma , the Prophets of the east, calcutta, 1935, pp. 12
[5] S. naidu , ideals of Islam, vide speeches & writings, madras, 1918, p. 169
[6] Eedward gibbon and simon ockley , history of the saracen empires, london, 1870, p. 54
[7] Noten und abhandlungen zum weststlichen dvan, wa i, 7, 32